fill your spaces.

Harness the power of 3D, interactivity, and data accuracy to speed up your clients’ decision-making process.

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/ Mission

We are revolutionizing real estate through innovative technologies, generating fast and tangible results.


/ Our Products

Livya offers a solution that accelerates and optimizes real estate transactions while minimizing operating costs, ensuring optimal return on investment.

/ Engagment

We harness the power of 3D and interactivity to create useful and visually captivating experiences, thereby promoting quick and informed decision-making by your clients.

Add engaging features facilitating real estate transactions to your website. You’ll be able to offer your visitors a selector for units available on the plan, and an interactive map of the surroundings of your real estate projects.

Allow your prospects to envision themselves in your project by exploring neighborhood points of interest, comparing their favorite units, and visualizing relevant images, videos, and documents. Get closer to a transaction by generating and sending a personalized brochure based on their preferences.

Offer your clients a remarkable interactive sales experience using our 3D technologies. Allow your buyers to visualize and interact with your project, creating a connection and evoking emotion through striking visuals.

/ Management

We provide an integrated control center within our tools to manage all of your transactional operations. This space serves to present comprehensive project data, identify trends, and provide information to adapt your marketing strategies and optimize the return on your investment capital.

The control center allows you to manage various aspects of your projects, facilitating collaboration among stakeholders and optimizing sales processes, thereby contributing to efficient and transparent management of real estate operations.

Analyze your customers’ behaviour and compile all the information you need to help you achieve faster transactions. The dashboard enables you to identify the most effective elements of your project, adjust your marketing message based on the purchasing profile of your target customers, and adapt your pricing according to unit popularity to achieve a better ROI.

Offer your clients the space of their dreams.

Talk to an expert

Our qualified experts are trained to extract the maximum potential from your project.




Get all the necessary sales and marketing tools to captivate your audience and quickly qualify your prospects.

Minimize your vacancy rate by maintaining complete control over your rental operations.

Manage your entire investment portfolio simply and efficiently.

Simplify your sales work with enticing and engaging tools.

Simplify your sales work with attractive and engaging tools.


/ Solutions



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